Qatarisun, Please read my comments again and tell me where have I said that purchasing visa was legal? All I said is that you can purchase a Business Visa just like a Visit Visa.

Business Visa will allow you to stay in Qatar for 3 months where as the Visit Visa is only for one month.

It appears that you are naive about the fact that this kind of activities are going on or just dont want to acknowledge it. I would expect you to understand that everything and anything goes on here.

The explanation you gave about the types of visa are spot on. But please dont make a statement that these activities even though may not be right are not happening. If you want I can give a few places you can go yourself and verify it.

Just because you and I and many like us would get a visa on arrival we could come here any time for a interview but many others use the purchased visa route.

Just read hyperlulucemia's comment above will show you that these kind of activities are going on.

So back to the OP complaint to the moderators I still think that advice should be given irrespect of the issue.