Lets start from the beginning where these illegal activities start from. It is the Business and Visit Visa which is been abused as claimed by the OP. I can name a dozen or more QLers here who actually were employed through coming on purchased Business visa and then landing good jobs including Westerners who came on, On arrival visa's.
Now unlike the citizens of the countries who can obtain visa on arrival and then come and work and even find good jobs, the others do the same thing by purchasing a visa to come here and to find a job.
If some one is asking a question related to obtaining a job with a Business Visa then the advice is not illegal and should be allowed on QL. If the travel agencies and other companies stop selling these Visit visas and Business visas in the first place there will be no one asking such questions.
Secondly why do Employers entertain such applicants on Business and Visit visa in the first place? Should the Employers not have strict requirements that they will not entertain such applicants?
So the advice to OP is no matter how good your intention may sound but you cannot change the system. It is a common practice here in Qatar and the authorities do not see any problem with it, otherwise they would’ve have stopped this practice by simply enforcing Employers not to accept any applicant on Business or Visit visa.
Cabbage Dear you are right in many ways.
Lets start from the beginning where these illegal activities start from. It is the Business and Visit Visa which is been abused as claimed by the OP. I can name a dozen or more QLers here who actually were employed through coming on purchased Business visa and then landing good jobs including Westerners who came on, On arrival visa's.
Now unlike the citizens of the countries who can obtain visa on arrival and then come and work and even find good jobs, the others do the same thing by purchasing a visa to come here and to find a job.
If some one is asking a question related to obtaining a job with a Business Visa then the advice is not illegal and should be allowed on QL. If the travel agencies and other companies stop selling these Visit visas and Business visas in the first place there will be no one asking such questions.
Secondly why do Employers entertain such applicants on Business and Visit visa in the first place? Should the Employers not have strict requirements that they will not entertain such applicants?
So the advice to OP is no matter how good your intention may sound but you cannot change the system. It is a common practice here in Qatar and the authorities do not see any problem with it, otherwise they would’ve have stopped this practice by simply enforcing Employers not to accept any applicant on Business or Visit visa.