here is the answer
some male words
Qalam = pen = قلم
Bab = door = باب
Book = ketab = كتاب
Friend (male) = Sadeeq = صديق
some female words
Friend (female) = Sadeeqah = صديقة
Car = Sayarah = سيارة
Table = Tawlah = طاولة
so the part ة at the end of the arabic words indicates a female thing, the equivalent in english prounounciation is the part "ah"
here is the answer
some male words
Qalam = pen = قلم
Bab = door = باب
Book = ketab = كتاب
Friend (male) = Sadeeq = صديق
some female words
Friend (female) = Sadeeqah = صديقة
Car = Sayarah = سيارة
Table = Tawlah = طاولة
so the part ة at the end of the arabic words indicates a female thing, the equivalent in english prounounciation is the part "ah"