is wide words, let me shorten them as follow:
A civilized person is a person who sticks to his/her culture and belief in such away that he/she stay in touch and communicate easily with others, an example of this person is the one who study abroad and make success in his/her study and maintain his/her culture and belief when coming back and help in building a better community.
The civilization is a word that describes the impact made by any nation in the way of development and science and humanity, civilization can not be used to describe nations where the human rights are forgottend and there are no impact by this nation toward development in science and humanity.
is wide words, let me shorten them as follow:
A civilized person is a person who sticks to his/her culture and belief in such away that he/she stay in touch and communicate easily with others, an example of this person is the one who study abroad and make success in his/her study and maintain his/her culture and belief when coming back and help in building a better community.
The civilization is a word that describes the impact made by any nation in the way of development and science and humanity, civilization can not be used to describe nations where the human rights are forgottend and there are no impact by this nation toward development in science and humanity.