ohiboka : i love u ; to a man
ohiboki : i love you; to a woman
Ani jamilah: you are beautiful
Anta jamil: u are handsome
Kam haza: how much is this?
maza: what ?
limaza: why ?
kaifah: how?
jedan: very much: for example ;ohiboki jedan: i love u so much
ohibo Africana: i love africana!
hiya: she
howa: he
hom: they
Pantolon or serwal: trouser
sayarah: car
Ta'm: food
maa:water .moya slang; means water
habibi: my beloved (man)
habibati: my beloved(woman)
ohiboka : i love u ; to a man
ohiboki : i love you; to a woman
Ani jamilah: you are beautiful
Anta jamil: u are handsome
Kam haza: how much is this?
maza: what ?
limaza: why ?
kaifah: how?
jedan: very much: for example ;ohiboki jedan: i love u so much
ohibo Africana: i love africana!
hiya: she
howa: he
hom: they
Pantolon or serwal: trouser
sayarah: car
Ta'm: food
maa:water .moya slang; means water
habibi: my beloved (man)
habibati: my beloved(woman)