sashanorttbaby - this is exactly what used to frustrate me with candidates who would whinge 'why are you not updating me' when I would tell them at the beginning of the process that all would go quiet for a time whilst the visa was being applied for and that I would update them when I had something to say. Candidates would forget my advice and complain that I was not updating them but what what I supposed to do, call every couple of days to say I had no new information? Hardly constructive and would only service to annoy them further as they would think 'why are you calling if you have nothing to tell me'
sashanorttbaby - this is exactly what used to frustrate me with candidates who would whinge 'why are you not updating me' when I would tell them at the beginning of the process that all would go quiet for a time whilst the visa was being applied for and that I would update them when I had something to say. Candidates would forget my advice and complain that I was not updating them but what what I supposed to do, call every couple of days to say I had no new information? Hardly constructive and would only service to annoy them further as they would think 'why are you calling if you have nothing to tell me'