Medoc - even in HR departments who have a good working relationship with the govt immigration authorities would not be told how long it would take or the reason for the delay, it was more a question of mind your own business and 'the more you ask us the less likely it is to happen'. We would get equally frustrated but we could not shout and scream at the authorities, at least candidates have the luxury of venting their fury on us, so next time you feel like having a pop at HR over your Visa woes, remember that in all likelihood it is beyond their control and the sooner they complete the recruitment process for someone the better all round
Medoc - even in HR departments who have a good working relationship with the govt immigration authorities would not be told how long it would take or the reason for the delay, it was more a question of mind your own business and 'the more you ask us the less likely it is to happen'. We would get equally frustrated but we could not shout and scream at the authorities, at least candidates have the luxury of venting their fury on us, so next time you feel like having a pop at HR over your Visa woes, remember that in all likelihood it is beyond their control and the sooner they complete the recruitment process for someone the better all round