do you expect me to get my knowledge of shias from yahoo answers!??
Just because some adopted extreme practices, doesn't make them all fanatics
Take Scholar Sayyed Ali El-Amine for instance
You're again confusing faith with religious practices.
Don't they read your same Quran, pray like you, fast Ramadan like you, even perform the Hajj pilgrimage rituals exactly like you?
And just because they have different interpretation of the faith, does that justifies being treated as second class citizens,and suppressed for demanding their rights
do you expect me to get my knowledge of shias from yahoo answers!??
Just because some adopted extreme practices, doesn't make them all fanatics
Take Scholar Sayyed Ali El-Amine for instance
You're again confusing faith with religious practices.
Don't they read your same Quran, pray like you, fast Ramadan like you, even perform the Hajj pilgrimage rituals exactly like you?
And just because they have different interpretation of the faith, does that justifies being treated as second class citizens,and suppressed for demanding their rights