You have to pay immediately the loan at all cost otherwise u will be placed in Jail.. This is not a joke, i have a friend before, he was terminated and he got a loan from the bank which cost 50K, he had travel ban already from the bank and the company who terminated him was very strict that they already cancelled his visa, he got 1 week to settle the loan otherwise his passport will be turned over to the police dept. and the rest is self he sourced out money from his relatives and was able to pay the loan on time and he returned to his country.
You have to pay immediately the loan at all cost otherwise u will be placed in Jail.. This is not a joke, i have a friend before, he was terminated and he got a loan from the bank which cost 50K, he had travel ban already from the bank and the company who terminated him was very strict that they already cancelled his visa, he got 1 week to settle the loan otherwise his passport will be turned over to the police dept. and the rest is self he sourced out money from his relatives and was able to pay the loan on time and he returned to his country.