bull hooks.
Is it a symtom of living in Qatar, reading the same old 'news' from the local papers, that you have to have competitions to make up the most outragious BS that pops into your heads?
QL realy has become a cesspit of nutters and conspiracy theorists.........where reported facts can be dismissed if it doesn't fit into your made up crack-pot theory.
Really dissapointed, nay angry, at the level of stupid discourse on QL of late.
If you bother to find out and do some research it's not hard to find a concensus of the when, what and how concerning today's events....but 'Nooooooo...I have my own made up beliefs floating around my deluded brain and I'm going to let the world know my stupid ideas....based on fact or not!!!!'
bull hooks.
Is it a symtom of living in Qatar, reading the same old 'news' from the local papers, that you have to have competitions to make up the most outragious BS that pops into your heads?
QL realy has become a cesspit of nutters and conspiracy theorists.........where reported facts can be dismissed if it doesn't fit into your made up crack-pot theory.
Really dissapointed, nay angry, at the level of stupid discourse on QL of late.
If you bother to find out and do some research it's not hard to find a concensus of the when, what and how concerning today's events....but 'Nooooooo...I have my own made up beliefs floating around my deluded brain and I'm going to let the world know my stupid ideas....based on fact or not!!!!'