ok Mike...no, I am not taking this personal.
I just do not understand why people doing a job are heroes.

Sure, you can call them that...and thank them for doing the job they are paid to do, might be a nice gesture. My husband thanks me every day for cooking his dinner, nice thing to do, I agree. am i a hero? Hmmmm.....I slave in a hot kitchen, prepare and serve food, clean up my family's mess afterwards...and , now here it comes..I do this WITHOUT being paid wages...dear lord...I am a slave!!!! ;)

Now, don't get me wrong, I respect everybody who does their job...if it is done in unfavourable circumstances, I do feel sorry for those people. No doubt.
But we all are , at some point or another, in unfavourable circumstances, this is life.....that does not make us better, or heroes, in my eyes.

About littering, I think in a post of mine above i made my stand on that very clear. Nobody , and I strongly repeat, nobody in my family litters. Ever. We do make an effort, considerable at times as trash cans are scarcely available here, to put our garbage where it belongs.
When we go out we do not leave a table we have used like a battlefield,we do not clean it all ourselves, as this is the job of other people (at least in this country), but we leave it in an easy to clean up state.
We are not arrogant and /or abusive. Respect is what it is all about, not hero worship.IMHO.