You maybe right! But that's just one side of the argument. Teachers no doubt have to be given their due place. Lot has changed. But is the blame on parents alone? A parent too struggles with the teacher to make the child a good student and a responsible human being. I know of many parents who feel this way.
How many teachers go beyond their specified duties to help a weaker student ? Aren't many teachers just going about their work like any any other professional person? The profession that was once considered noble is now treated like any other job. Why? Are the teachers themselves to be blamed some where?
They say a school is a second home. A teacher is not just a person who imparts knowledge but is a friend and a mentor. The reason for not allowing practices of canning the child is very valid. By using a painful method of reprimanding you are changing his behaviour for the moment. But has the child realised his mistake? If hitting was the sole solution none of us would have any problems! Canning a child is a easy means of quieting him, definitely not reforming him.
If a handful of parents could make you feel that parents are investors and child a consumer then i am really sorry for you. Every profession has its challenges. We need to accept many changes and move with times. And definitely a handful of un-pleasant experiences should not make you feel bitter.
Most of all a teacher should love her students. And i believe in the magic of love. If that cant change definitely nothing else can.
And I assure you there are many students, along with their parents, who revere the teacher for the transformation they bring in their wards life. And they definitely dont blame any teachers for their child non-performance. And yes they look up on to the teacher to know and understand where their child needs to be bettered.
We play the bame game. Instead why not put our heads together and work towards a solution.
You maybe right! But that's just one side of the argument. Teachers no doubt have to be given their due place. Lot has changed. But is the blame on parents alone? A parent too struggles with the teacher to make the child a good student and a responsible human being. I know of many parents who feel this way.
How many teachers go beyond their specified duties to help a weaker student ? Aren't many teachers just going about their work like any any other professional person? The profession that was once considered noble is now treated like any other job. Why? Are the teachers themselves to be blamed some where?
They say a school is a second home. A teacher is not just a person who imparts knowledge but is a friend and a mentor. The reason for not allowing practices of canning the child is very valid. By using a painful method of reprimanding you are changing his behaviour for the moment. But has the child realised his mistake? If hitting was the sole solution none of us would have any problems! Canning a child is a easy means of quieting him, definitely not reforming him.
If a handful of parents could make you feel that parents are investors and child a consumer then i am really sorry for you. Every profession has its challenges. We need to accept many changes and move with times. And definitely a handful of un-pleasant experiences should not make you feel bitter.
Most of all a teacher should love her students. And i believe in the magic of love. If that cant change definitely nothing else can.
And I assure you there are many students, along with their parents, who revere the teacher for the transformation they bring in their wards life. And they definitely dont blame any teachers for their child non-performance. And yes they look up on to the teacher to know and understand where their child needs to be bettered.
We play the bame game. Instead why not put our heads together and work towards a solution.