Big, fat NO ridaa.
WE, women, should not need to make ourselves unconspicious...not visible because some men can't behave.
MEN should, and many do, have the manners and courtesy to respect women no matter what they wear.
Women are PEOPLE not lumps of flesh there to please or not "arouse lustful stares".men...we have rights and responsibilities...and it is NOT our responsibility to humour or thwart disrespect. This is something every decent human being, in this case men, should have . respect for women is taught while growing up, as is respect for human beings in general.
I am sorry if my words are strong, but I have to admit that I do feel strongly about this...and all this stuff about women having to cover themselves not to tempt men makes me a bit irate.
What a woman wears should not make a difference as to how she is treated by men.....even if a man were to go to a strip bar, that does not mean he can be out of line when it comes to girls there..
As a matter of fact, I have seen a sign on a few bars in Thailand where a certain nationality was denied entry permanently...apparently they thought they could mistreat the girls....thing is, there are ALWAYS rules to be followed, no matter what.
Evn if a woman is a prostitute, she is still a hman being and needs to be treated with respect.
Of course, that apparently is lost on some.
Big, fat NO ridaa.
WE, women, should not need to make ourselves unconspicious...not visible because some men can't behave.
MEN should, and many do, have the manners and courtesy to respect women no matter what they wear.
Women are PEOPLE not lumps of flesh there to please or not "arouse lustful stares".men...we have rights and responsibilities...and it is NOT our responsibility to humour or thwart disrespect. This is something every decent human being, in this case men, should have . respect for women is taught while growing up, as is respect for human beings in general.
I am sorry if my words are strong, but I have to admit that I do feel strongly about this...and all this stuff about women having to cover themselves not to tempt men makes me a bit irate.
What a woman wears should not make a difference as to how she is treated by men.....even if a man were to go to a strip bar, that does not mean he can be out of line when it comes to girls there..
As a matter of fact, I have seen a sign on a few bars in Thailand where a certain nationality was denied entry permanently...apparently they thought they could mistreat the girls....thing is, there are ALWAYS rules to be followed, no matter what.
Evn if a woman is a prostitute, she is still a hman being and needs to be treated with respect.
Of course, that apparently is lost on some.