they will put a stop to the West's murderuos air raids

Ah yes I remember the WEST being right in the thick of the action when Afghanistan was being torn apart in civil war by a bunch of ISI backed Talibs who did nothing good but looted,slaughtered, and destroyed all infrastructure and expelled the intellectual community from Afghanistan

And of course the West was there helping as the Pakistan Army raped and tortured Bengali civilians on the blessing of the Jamiat Islami Party of Pakistan.

Surely the West actively involved when ISI was using Afghanistan as a training centre to attack India and to keep Afghanistan and especially the Pashtun regions under its tight control.

I somehow missed the united attack on Iraq by the Arab nations when Saddam Gassed 1000s of Kurds, where were these people when Shias/Sunnis started killing each other?

Yeah it's always the muslim has never attacked, and slaughtered without mercy, another muslim.

Silly me for being so blinkered all these years