Kindly note that the information exchanged is not correct. There is no limit for daily issuance of Third Party policies. The daily limit of Third Party policies had been waived a number of months ago (more than 6 months ago) and customers may purchase Third Party Insurance daily any time during working hours, from Head Office in West Bay and Abu Hammour Branch Office. Head Office is open also on Saturdays between 8am and 1pm.
Furthermore, for the client’s comfort and easy access, Third Party Insurance may also be purchased Online through the payment of a credit card.
Dear All,
Kindly note that the information exchanged is not correct. There is no limit for daily issuance of Third Party policies. The daily limit of Third Party policies had been waived a number of months ago (more than 6 months ago) and customers may purchase Third Party Insurance daily any time during working hours, from Head Office in West Bay and Abu Hammour Branch Office. Head Office is open also on Saturdays between 8am and 1pm.
Furthermore, for the client’s comfort and easy access, Third Party Insurance may also be purchased Online through the payment of a credit card.
Thanks and Regards,