Frenchie, I think it has more to do with mindset. The qualification may be the same, I do believe many Indian unis , as per your example, offer very good education.
And I am sure there are thousands of very qualified people.
But the mindset is different in many cases. People may know what they are doing on a particular scale, but as soon as something is out of the box, things don't work anymore. And that is where the difference comes into play.
Westerners are more likely to figure the problem out and fix it. Other people just leave it and hope nothing bad happens...and if it does, it is not their least that is what I have experienced and also heard from many people.
Then you have the problem with nepotism...there was a case where a person had to be fired because he only hired and worked with his own people...and that happens in very many places here.
Westerners don not do that kind of thing much...unless they need people with a certain kind of mindset and qualifications.
My opinion out of what I have experienced.
Frenchie, I think it has more to do with mindset. The qualification may be the same, I do believe many Indian unis , as per your example, offer very good education.
And I am sure there are thousands of very qualified people.
But the mindset is different in many cases. People may know what they are doing on a particular scale, but as soon as something is out of the box, things don't work anymore. And that is where the difference comes into play.
Westerners are more likely to figure the problem out and fix it. Other people just leave it and hope nothing bad happens...and if it does, it is not their least that is what I have experienced and also heard from many people.
Then you have the problem with nepotism...there was a case where a person had to be fired because he only hired and worked with his own people...and that happens in very many places here.
Westerners don not do that kind of thing much...unless they need people with a certain kind of mindset and qualifications.
My opinion out of what I have experienced.