Japan is culturally & traditionally 'East'....like south Korea, Taiwan, china and all other far east nations, Some term them as "oriental" too,
while Australia is "west' on the same parameter (culturally/traditionally).
but again, it's more of perceptions, developed in centuries and may possibly be changed in coming centuries.
I do not buy the idea that Japan is West because it’s ‘Westernized’ in parameters of social development/wealth/technology/ modern governance system/openness etc..

There is difference in being West & being “westernized” . Many in East today are highly Westernized (like many west-bashers who are “seriously’ westernized but fail to recognize as their entire attention is on ‘others’.)

Moreover, these days the fine lines of differences (even perceptional) are fading away…it’s all one world, and it must be all one world !