Don't take this site to seriously, people on here can be very strange and the site is not a reflection of the attitudes of expats in Qatar. You will make friends, but not on this site, most these people just want to argue, belittle, hijack, terrorize and frighten newcomers, its sad really. Well welcome to Qatar. Take your time and meet the right friends through work or other social activities. Get involved. Get the Time Out magazine at Carfour to find out about events upcoming and great places to eat. It usually takes some time to settle in here so don't rush it. And forget these idiots on QL, they don't mean anything by it, most are just bored and can't help themselves so they find it amusing to try and pick fights with newbies.
Hey Fellow Canadian,
Don't take this site to seriously, people on here can be very strange and the site is not a reflection of the attitudes of expats in Qatar. You will make friends, but not on this site, most these people just want to argue, belittle, hijack, terrorize and frighten newcomers, its sad really. Well welcome to Qatar. Take your time and meet the right friends through work or other social activities. Get involved. Get the Time Out magazine at Carfour to find out about events upcoming and great places to eat. It usually takes some time to settle in here so don't rush it. And forget these idiots on QL, they don't mean anything by it, most are just bored and can't help themselves so they find it amusing to try and pick fights with newbies.