I know some men marry European women.. however, it's very very hard to do it.. and if the family is not supportive than it's almost impossible..
to all who are saying "why would he or the kids want a Qatari passport".. would you want to give up your nationality for the rest of your life?? it's a hard choice!! he will be giving up everything.. even if he loves her so much..
you know when you get married you want it to be forever.. you don't want to be under pressure after a while and then regret what you did!
my advice.. if he says he can't then it means that he thinks that "he can't" and that means that he doesn't love you enough to make that sacrifice of giving up his country for you.. sad but true..
I'm not saying he's a player.. I'm saying that he likes to think everything through.. and wants to make a sound and a lifetime decision..
best of luck to yoU!