Men only think they are "superior" because women let them think that. If men had to go through child birth we would have died out long ago (scientific research proves women have a higher pain threshold than men). Women will educate all their children, men (in many societies) concentrate on educating only the boys. Women with education have fewer but healthier and better educated children (all of them). And I think many women here in Qatar would agree that men would not be able to look after children, run the house, prepare meals, AND have a full time job. (We are very good at multi tasking).

My father was actually an exception - and he became a father in the middle 1950s - I still admire his one handed changing of the diaper technique (because an 18 month old is fighting the change so the other hand is firmly over the child's torso holding him still). He was the only father on my street who took all 6 of us out 2 - 3 times a week by himself to give my mother a break. Granted, if my mother knew of some of the things we were doing (fishing off condemned wharves over strong currents for one) she might not have relaxed as much.

Women are stronger in ways men have no conception of understanding or appreciating - look at your mothers, sisters, grandmothers, daughters - equality has nothing to do with it. Recognition does.