No he is not a Christian, he has been a muslim for the last 37 years.

'Roger Stockham was arrested and charged with TERRORISM after attempting to blow up the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn'

'In 1977, Stockham armed himself with bombs and took his psychologist hostage, but surrendered later after meeting with a reporter'

'On September 1, 1979, the Merced Sun-Star reported that Stockham, whom it described as a "32-year-old Muslim convert", had taken his then-9-year-old son Kane out of foster care and brought Kane and a gun on board his rented Cessna 150 in attempt to land at Los Angeles International Airport and hijack an airliner to take him to Iran. [5] At one point he was also accused of threatening President Jimmy Carter.'

'In 1985, Stockham was arrested at Reno-Cannon International Airport for planting a pipe bomb and carrying an unregistered firearm, an incident covered in the Los Angeles Times. Aged 38 at the time, he was described as having mental and criminal problems. According to psychiatrists, he believed he was Jesus Christ and that extraterrestrials had taken over his body.'

'In 2002 he pled not guilty by reason of insanity to threatening to blow up a Veterans Administration center in Vermont and making threats against President George W. Bush.'

'Stockham rejected his court-appointed attorney because he claimed the attorney was a Shi'ite Muslim who worships at the Islamic Center: “I reject my appointed counsel. He is a Shi'ite and I am not.” he said, before he was cut off by 19th District Judge Mark Somers. It was also revealed that Stockham was a convert to Islam, spoke Arabic during the preliminary interview, and quoted Qur’anic verses. His newly appointed attorney also insisted that his client isn't anti-Muslim as Stockham converted to Islam soon after serving in Vietnam in 1974 and spoke of his outrage over U.S. conduct in Iraq. The chairman of the board for the Islamic Center of America, Afif Jawad, who attended the hearing, said he and other leaders continue to meet with local and federal law enforcement officials about the incident. Jawad stated: "This man knows what he's doing" and "This man picked on the Shiites....That's a threat to the community." The manager at the Detroit bar Stockham visited before his arrest, said Stockham claimed to be part of a group of Indonesian Mujahideen, or holy warriors.'