I would like an explanation Rishimba on your comment. I think you seem to have confused Blue Coffees personal ire to a philosophical musing though it is quite eloquent.
This is what I think - when you ask how a SOUL can be like Plastic perhaps it has to do with a persons integrity also? I mean the way we think and behave also affects WHO we are and in turn MOULDS our SOUL. And a person can become so deformed in his way of thinking that he becomes PLASTIC and therefore has NO SOUL?
I am just thinking aloud here. I love reading philosophy and your comment just made me think aloud.
Isale - no it isnt environment friendly.
I would like an explanation Rishimba on your comment. I think you seem to have confused Blue Coffees personal ire to a philosophical musing though it is quite eloquent.
This is what I think - when you ask how a SOUL can be like Plastic perhaps it has to do with a persons integrity also? I mean the way we think and behave also affects WHO we are and in turn MOULDS our SOUL. And a person can become so deformed in his way of thinking that he becomes PLASTIC and therefore has NO SOUL?
I am just thinking aloud here. I love reading philosophy and your comment just made me think aloud.