I didn't say these to generalize the filipinas...i assume you are my kababayan so we both know what i said is true and no matter how much we want to defend our kalahi, said to say this remains a FACT.
I am proud being a filipina but i am no hypocrite.
I agree, we can't control or take hold of them, and it's their life, their action...but hey when they are caught, aren't some of us are affected? Here we are all over the headlines again and again for s@x scandal, drugs, theft...the list never ends. They ask for the embassy to take them out of prison or spare their lives...and if the gov't fails to back them , wow they call on the president to step down, what do we call them? Useless corrupt, right? So yeah you're right
it is really their life...their business, their concern...not ours to mind at all.
Gtim, i know what you are saying...
I didn't say these to generalize the filipinas...i assume you are my kababayan so we both know what i said is true and no matter how much we want to defend our kalahi, said to say this remains a FACT.
I am proud being a filipina but i am no hypocrite.
I agree, we can't control or take hold of them, and it's their life, their action...but hey when they are caught, aren't some of us are affected? Here we are all over the headlines again and again for s@x scandal, drugs, theft...the list never ends. They ask for the embassy to take them out of prison or spare their lives...and if the gov't fails to back them , wow they call on the president to step down, what do we call them? Useless corrupt, right? So yeah you're right
it is really their life...their business, their concern...not ours to mind at all.