Can't be arsed to comment any further on this, I wish it would just die. Call him Pikey or either of the other two ID's he is operating under (that I am aware of, there may be more) is behaving out of character for someone of his education and profession. I hope for his sake the mods will delete this before he gets rumbled by more and more QLers and is made a complete fool of. More importantly I hope it doesn't get back to his family.
Can't be arsed to comment any further on this, I wish it would just die. Call him Pikey or either of the other two ID's he is operating under (that I am aware of, there may be more) is behaving out of character for someone of his education and profession. I hope for his sake the mods will delete this before he gets rumbled by more and more QLers and is made a complete fool of. More importantly I hope it doesn't get back to his family.
That's it, I'm out of this one.