Guyz!!! This is awesome! I cannot believe what I have received, your messages are fantastic! Sad that I have not seen it earlier, could have responded each of you. I really have to spend time sometime to use this site properly, because I feel to get more friends in here.:) Chatting is my past time when I am alone. Computer is my alternative partner when I am away from friends, family and social get-together. Thought I feel that the computer is lifeless without the internet.:)

Thank you for a couple of invitations around and for the warm welcome… I feel that this website is really active and famous than the rest of the websites in Doha, excluding the facebook, twitter and foursquare. Sad that I had deactivated my FB but soon will have to create one with something exciting to share on it…:) Living in Doha is getting more exciting and I feel at home now. I started playing tennis occasionally with friends, thanks they are being patient with me at the court:) I also started scuba diving and thanks that they let me use their gears…:) I do not have a clue where to rent a jet-ski here yet. I love also watching these Orchestra performances at the Katara. Had dine at about 3 hotels already and at the Katara area but I feel that something has to be done with the service.

Doha is small place but with almost anything I need. I cannot wait to have my own car to spin around the places I want to explore.:) oppsss not a gas exploration guys but if there is a possiblity, I would love to join the team.

Now, I am settled here in Doha and cannot wait for the opening of the company that I am currently working. I hope all of you can be my friends… will see how many I could invite on the opening day of these amazing venues that will set the standard in Doha. Something to look forward guys and I know some of you have seen this building already and have waiting for long but have no idea what is inside waiting for you to explore and that is what I am going to bring to you very soon.

It would be fun to have a club, well of course my screen name will be the Club Name…:) Yes it is going to be great to have one…