You may need to consider adding contingency into your monthly expenses. Unexpected expenses normally come up. Real life example would be: kid's school activities, kid's party, friend's gathering, sports events, traveling around Qatar, hobbies? etc.10% contingency should be sufficient to cover.
Also furniture allowance is one-off allowance (not per year), depreciated over 3-4 years depending upon your employment contract (permanent or contract basis) so it should not be factored in your pro-rated monthly inflows. You should return the remaining depreciated amount if you resign prior to 3-4 years.
You may need to consider adding contingency into your monthly expenses. Unexpected expenses normally come up. Real life example would be: kid's school activities, kid's party, friend's gathering, sports events, traveling around Qatar, hobbies? etc.10% contingency should be sufficient to cover.
Also furniture allowance is one-off allowance (not per year), depreciated over 3-4 years depending upon your employment contract (permanent or contract basis) so it should not be factored in your pro-rated monthly inflows. You should return the remaining depreciated amount if you resign prior to 3-4 years.