you are an educated one? There are limits for discussion in the virtual world. Even wars are govern by laws. I'm not in particular about you but siding and encouraging below the belt attack is not proper. Tell me Chevy, if I know your real name and dishonor it by making a fun of it INTENTIONALLY, would you just sit down and encourage the person doing it? And what do you call a person encouraging such thing? Worth an ally?????

@Glorya, the meeting should be two way. You never mentioned how to identify you, how would I believe that you'll show up? ANd using that word "idiot" toward a fellow Qler is a violation of the forum guideline. I flag you offensive and the MODS should do something about you.

You are the arrogant one, not me. My challenge was a result of the continuing personal attack to me. Can anyone of you tell me how to settle such disbelief? The saying "to see is to belief" is very much applicable here and someone accepted the challenge. Now that I am presenting the truth, you are going to another argument? For what? To deviate the issue?