the cahllenge? I doubt Glorya will honor the challenge, after hearing from reliable source her background. It a waste of time.
You Kamote is who I want to meet. For many reasons.
Tanya, really hard to explain who does not fully undertsnad legalities about this issue.
I said, open a new forum and we'll discussed OFW procedures.
Together with Chevy and gLecs, we will discuss it thoroughly. This is a different topic
the cahllenge? I doubt Glorya will honor the challenge, after hearing from reliable source her background. It a waste of time.
You Kamote is who I want to meet. For many reasons.
Tanya, really hard to explain who does not fully undertsnad legalities about this issue.
I said, open a new forum and we'll discussed OFW procedures.
Together with Chevy and gLecs, we will discuss it thoroughly. This is a different topic