well.. THAT is how majority of employees are coming to qatar: on Work Visa. For the company (I am talking about real normal way of hiring) it is more costly to bring you on Business visa, and then to switch you to the Work visa, as 2 extra fees are involved (1) Business visa cost; and (2) Switching visa status cost. They might bring you on business visa with intention to issue a Work visa for you later, only if you are really important for the Company, and they need your presence immediately (BV takes 1-2 day to issue, while WV might take 1-2 weeks) regardless to cost involved. But Companies never do it with the "problematic" nationalities, such as filipinos, and whole list of others, whose Work visas are extremely difficult to obtain nowadays, unless the Company already has a quota for them. If Company doesn't have a quota for filipina, they would never ever bring her on BV, having a risk of further rejection. Look, they bring you on BV, pay for it, pay for your ticket, pay for accommodating you, and then - ops - your Work visa is rejected! they have to send you back home. Only insane would do it.
You guys became victims of well-organized.. hhhmm.. ok not mafia, but some semi-legal business. Some "agencies" are selling business visas to you, charge you a lot, on top of that your own guys at filipino airport charge you again (they also might be a part of this "organization").. and guess what? NO ONE guarantees a job, right? Hundreds of filipinos go back home, when their visas get expired and they are still without any job. OR.. they are willing to grab anything, just anything in order to stay in qatar (hips of money spent, and what? to go back home with nothing??). Then you could see such desperate threads on QL, like one girl's thread: "PLLLEEEEAAAASSSEEE, help me to get ANY job!". She even doesn’t specify her qualifications! All she wants is ANY JOB! Then she sells herself into slavery, working 60 hours a week for 3000 QAR, and then she starts complaining about "life being unfair". but who is to be blamed? YOU put yourself in this situation! YOU have bought illegal visa, YOU were desperate for ANY job, YOU have signed unfair contract.. to whom to complain??
I know it is difficult situation, and as you say, everyone tries his/her best to find a better future.. I agree.. but when you start from the wrong step, nothing good comes out of it, nothing but troubles.
What would I do for my relatives? I would help them by finding a REAL job.