While I had a lot of fun looking at the French Army Knife (thanks Brit), this remains a serious subject.
Salary on offer usually boils down to how much an employer has to offer a potential employee to persuade him/her to leave his/her home country and come here to work. This is more applicable for lower/junior positions and less applicable for management/senior positions.
Negotiated & agreed salaries tend to be somewhat proportionate to Gross National Income (GNI) per capita at purchasing power parity (PPP) in the country of origin of the employee.
By the way, while I agree that some people do discriminate on the basis of skin color, race, religion or nationality, this is NOT the primary reason for the disparity in salaries that is seen here.
While I had a lot of fun looking at the French Army Knife (thanks Brit), this remains a serious subject.
Salary on offer usually boils down to how much an employer has to offer a potential employee to persuade him/her to leave his/her home country and come here to work. This is more applicable for lower/junior positions and less applicable for management/senior positions.
Negotiated & agreed salaries tend to be somewhat proportionate to Gross National Income (GNI) per capita at purchasing power parity (PPP) in the country of origin of the employee.
Here is an example list:
By the way, while I agree that some people do discriminate on the basis of skin color, race, religion or nationality, this is NOT the primary reason for the disparity in salaries that is seen here.