Expat I have made my point and wanted to allow others to send their comments too. Nic is trying to say that it is all because of religion and local customs which forces people to such attitude.

I don't think so. To comment about customs or religion you have to first look into the history of that place and to see whether they have been acting Weirdly all the time. And I don't think so. History considers the whole region to be quite peaceful and friendly. However the region for the last 700 years have seen invaders, looters and war mongers. USA is one of them. USA should not fund terrorism in the name of war against terrorism A lot of people object and are more interested in Taliban brutal videos so that they can speak against Muslims, but they ignore to think as to y would someone go to such an extreme that they are even ready to blow him/her self to kill others (whether you wanna call it Jihad or terrorism)

It is because of such behavior that army of terrorist get organized. And it is the US funding and active support for such brutality which makes US hate able in the whole world.

I must add that they are only a couple of videos and there are thousands of incidents like this, many of which are carried out by NATO or US forces and some by their allies or paid fighters or private contractors like black water.

I am resending you the link below to show you the US policies, which undoubtedly is true:
