First of all, if you are considering Paki Army Elites "show" as war on terror, I am sorry to say you are horribly mistaken same as western countries.

Let's get some straight facts about paki Army elites -- Pakistani Army Generals are wealthy, whisky sipping on par with any "developed" country at the same time these guys present a totally different face of Army in front of Paki Poppulation -- they say it's an Army of pious Muslims with Pakistani army Motto -- "Jihad Fi Sabillah" -- i.e. Jihad in the name of Allah.

Paki Army generals for decades have fooled Pakistani population, grabbed power and owning most of the industries in Pakistan. While pretending to be pious Muslims they are neck deep in all worldly riches included wine and women.

Obviously to sustain their hold on Power and their own well being they need MONEY.

Who will give Money?? America.
Why?...Becuase Anerica wants taliban & AQ to be destroyed.

Who can allow this? of course Paki Army in exchange for Money.