Intelligent this is an attempt to show you the reality which you may not see or ignore otherwise. We should all bash such activities and anybody who is involved. And let me add that this is a small picture and does not include the drone attacks by US military and the wide spread operation in around 1000 sq. KM around the border of Afghanistan.
Guys read the news and study it. You can have the whole picture of how God's finest creation on earth is brutally murdered every day.
Intelligent this is an attempt to show you the reality which you may not see or ignore otherwise. We should all bash such activities and anybody who is involved. And let me add that this is a small picture and does not include the drone attacks by US military and the wide spread operation in around 1000 sq. KM around the border of Afghanistan.
Guys read the news and study it. You can have the whole picture of how God's finest creation on earth is brutally murdered every day.