The results of what the local authorities "try hard", reveals the level of their competences! for god sake, there is a real problem and all they can come up with is poor lousy shopping mall campaigns, invisible silly awareness little panels and radar cameras where all slow down just before and accelerate like madmen just after!
The driving attitude of this region is precisely the contrary of what they like to claim. It’s actually caused by their insignificant unmanly low self esteem that can only be temporarily alleviated when they are cowardly protected inside their big cars and threaten others. These cowards are nothing, often fragile beings, once they step out of their big land cruisers. It is proven that it’s not about being manly to be an aggressor driver, it’s rather the opposite: insecurity and frustrated souls, actually Behave the way they do!
How can you possibly expect law enforcement when so many uniformed officers driving their own cars are also top offenders? I have checked the plates on line of some (cops off duty) that I witnessed recklessly driving and their records of fines are abnormally high! What punishment they get with these records?
Nothing! Perhaps a promotion if they know the right person.
Exactly what Linc wrote above, there is just no real will to change!
Nobody really cares about nothing in this country, unless it’s flashy and can be admired by others!
No one can be environmentally friendly here (what the heck is that in Qatar?!) and drive a small car as the somany uneducated drivers in Qatar (not only Qataris, we should note) can drive as if they were in the wild far west, actually it is the wild middle east!
The results of what the local authorities "try hard", reveals the level of their competences! for god sake, there is a real problem and all they can come up with is poor lousy shopping mall campaigns, invisible silly awareness little panels and radar cameras where all slow down just before and accelerate like madmen just after!
The driving attitude of this region is precisely the contrary of what they like to claim. It’s actually caused by their insignificant unmanly low self esteem that can only be temporarily alleviated when they are cowardly protected inside their big cars and threaten others. These cowards are nothing, often fragile beings, once they step out of their big land cruisers. It is proven that it’s not about being manly to be an aggressor driver, it’s rather the opposite: insecurity and frustrated souls, actually Behave the way they do!
How can you possibly expect law enforcement when so many uniformed officers driving their own cars are also top offenders? I have checked the plates on line of some (cops off duty) that I witnessed recklessly driving and their records of fines are abnormally high! What punishment they get with these records?
Nothing! Perhaps a promotion if they know the right person.
Exactly what Linc wrote above, there is just no real will to change!
Nobody really cares about nothing in this country, unless it’s flashy and can be admired by others!
No one can be environmentally friendly here (what the heck is that in Qatar?!) and drive a small car as the somany uneducated drivers in Qatar (not only Qataris, we should note) can drive as if they were in the wild far west, actually it is the wild middle east!