Almost two years ago, our country lost one of its prominent leaders due to reckless driving.
Qatar's Commerce and Business Minister, Sheikh Fahad Bin Jassim Al Thani, was killed in a traffic accident when a Land Cruiser coming in the opposite direction collided with Sheikh Fahad's vehicle.
Sheikh Fahad was just 40 when he died.
like in every funeral, people repeated "it's his day" & "it's god's will" without really discussing the root cause of the fatal accident which was the recklessness of two guys who were racing on the short highway leading to Al Wakra
on 30th November 2010, the court verdict was an year in prison for the accused.

frankly speaking, in the past five years traffic department have tried extensively in different ways to reduce traffic accidents whether through enforcing traffic violation fines ( which many qataris presume is a government taxation to deprive them from their rentier rights)or through awareness campaigns which is conducted periodically at shopping malls featuring popular religious figures & TV promos

it's important to highlight that reckless driving is mostly common among the less educated, which unfortunately are not a minority of the total young local population :(