Well done Rakesh, Hats off to you for speaking the truth.You have given enough proof for whatever you said and no need for more.The truth is evident as daylight!

Terrorist and extremist elements are there in the followers of all religions.Its a truth that terrorists who happen to be Hindus are present in the form of BJP, Shiv Sena, Bajrangdal and RSS in India (just like Taliban in Afganisthan).Just go through their magazines and recorded speeches for the past few decades.

So if someone gets offended like the above QL's then it shows where their heart lies.And let me tell you one more thing, if there are terrorists from muslim community in India its mainly from 2 sources 1)90% muslims who become terrorists are due to the fascist , fanatic hindus who do blasts and put the blame on innocent muslims, who then have no other option other than to be known as or be a terrorist and 2)the remaining 10% muslims are paid by pakistan.

Terrorism in not present in anyone's blood, its a disease of the heart and it happens when people invent what they want into religion.I think its better to name the Hindu terrorist organizations instead of telling "Hindu Terrorists" as majority of Hindus are peace loving people.So true Hindus need not worry when facts are put out and moreover please for Godsake condemn with the strongest words (instead of giving the funny reason that a hindu group took revenge!)the actions of Hindu fanatics, because sometimes your silence is more dangerous than the bombs of these terrorists! Do it the same way as the true muslims condemn the Al Qaeda and the Taliban.

Finally,let's support Humanity................