Thank you, allow me to counterargument your comments:

1. You can’t confuse the Middle East with the New GCC countries.
I have not mentioned anything about what you call “Middle East Cultures”, my comments above refer to the New GCC countries and in particular to the overdeveloped desert cities as if they were being developed in rain forest climates.

2. As I wrote above:
Ok, there will always be cheap labor, but what if there will no longer be money available to pay it.
Who is going to maintain the over developed Doha's infrastructure, once oil and gas will no longer play the role they currently do?

4. Go and see what many countries in Europe, Asia, South and North America are already doing for alternative clean energies. By the time the GCC wakes up, it will be obsolete. There is no known-how here, all is imported… until there is money to buy it! The GCC countries are not doing enough to generate their own “brains”.

If you are implying that what I imagine, suits me, you are totally wrong. Why on earth would I benefit to see GCC new cities becoming ghost towns? I would just like to see more intelligence and sustainability on display, on the way there are being governed.
What is missing here, is people that stop being afraid of challenging and stop thinking that the only way to survive is to blindly agree with those in power.
People need to realize that they could have a say on their future, but that (the way things are conveniently set up here) will take generations and by then, it will be too late as too many empty buildings will be left to toast under the harsh summer Gulf.

PS. Thank you for your appreciation, I guess my comments triggers and provokes thinking ;)