Plushed, stop talking to a wall, this is their culture, (if they have one) attitude and their upbringing, respect, ettiquette and the likes are non- existent in their world,these things must be innate to every evolved homo sapien, they are yet to learn that. in our company, important offices have answering machines saying they do not answer phones and asks you to call back an hour before the day ends, needless to say they wouldnt answer or if they did, will tell you that they will answer the following day , because they are about to go home.
Learn to dance with their music, document everything and delay payment. do not answer their call as well. teach them a hard lesson
absurd, barbaric, and unprofessional, yet it works.
Plushed, stop talking to a wall, this is their culture, (if they have one) attitude and their upbringing, respect, ettiquette and the likes are non- existent in their world,these things must be innate to every evolved homo sapien, they are yet to learn that. in our company, important offices have answering machines saying they do not answer phones and asks you to call back an hour before the day ends, needless to say they wouldnt answer or if they did, will tell you that they will answer the following day , because they are about to go home.
Learn to dance with their music, document everything and delay payment. do not answer their call as well. teach them a hard lesson
absurd, barbaric, and unprofessional, yet it works.