To stop speculation: In this case the QLer was offended against. A complaint was filed against the employer, and a court date set. The following day the employer lodged a complaint that the QLer has run away from job (even though this was not the case). QLer gets arrested and stuck in jail up until the QLers case against employer gets heard. Then QLer will be deported win or lose that case. And to be honest I have lost so much faith in the Qatari Legal System where expats are up against Qataris that I will fall over if the QLer wins the case against the employer.

This employer tried to get the QLer out of the country before the complaint that he knew was coming could get lodged. As it happens he was a day late. However his complaint of running away, somehow trumps that of the QLer (unbelievably), so the QLer has to stay in jail until their case against the employer is heard in case the QLer runs away. Why would someone who has filed a complaint and is going to take their employer to court run away? The QLer knows going home is inevitable, why be made to stay in jail. Let the QLer go home and be with friends and family, have their day in court against the employer, and then go home to their country.