..please, pardon me as I am still waiting to get hitched to the Qatar ride..but what's with this "NOC thing" and how may a employer use it to throw out an employee..?..from what I know a NOC is something you need to get in and not something to use to kick out anybody...
..with regards to the question at hand - life as an expat, for me, should really be seen as a temporary thing..not unless, you are a businessman who has a right to do business in a country like Qatar and which will make it more difficult for you to bail out..
..otherwise, an employee is always there to serve the business need wherever or whatever company he currently belongs to..it is a temporary thing..scratch my back and i'll scratch yours..if it ain't itchy anymore..babush.. if during scratching it hurts, expect to be thrown out without any chance to explain..
..employee = temporary...