"The overwhelming majority of white women who convert to Islam do so because they marry a Muslim. Islam has a hardwired demand that women (or men) who marry a Muslim must repudiate their otherness and purify themselves of all kuffar / jahil essence by converting. When this happens, because of Islam's self regard as the one true faith whose self-worth and ego is predicated on its missionary, expansionist impulses, and a constant need to draw attention to itself, these conversions are used as evidence of Islam's demographic ascendancy, and the evidence of its 'truth' over the 'false' ways and society of the kuffar.
Thousands and thousands of white British women marry black (Jamaican/African) Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Sikh, Chinese men. But because they have a relatively laissez-faire attitude, don't see themselves in binary ways, don't have that supremacist impulse, white women don't have to repudiate themselves and convert to this religion or culture they marry into. There is an acceptance of pluralism, a tolerance, there is not a sensibility of dominating and snuffing out the other as there is in Islam, when marriages happen. Thats why you don't see headlines in the media and on the BBC, after reports by Think-Tanks, proclaiming that white women marrying Hindu men are evidence of the mass conversions of women to Hinduism, or when a gentile woman marries a Jewish man it doesn't mean that Judaism is expanding and people are converting en masse, and so on and so on and so on.
Whereas Islam has this impulse to convert women who marry a Muslim, and then make a song and dance and speech about it, to try to show that it is expanding, dominating, ascendant, all because of that imperialistic / prosletysing impulse and self-regard that it has."
And I quote:
"The overwhelming majority of white women who convert to Islam do so because they marry a Muslim. Islam has a hardwired demand that women (or men) who marry a Muslim must repudiate their otherness and purify themselves of all kuffar / jahil essence by converting. When this happens, because of Islam's self regard as the one true faith whose self-worth and ego is predicated on its missionary, expansionist impulses, and a constant need to draw attention to itself, these conversions are used as evidence of Islam's demographic ascendancy, and the evidence of its 'truth' over the 'false' ways and society of the kuffar.
Thousands and thousands of white British women marry black (Jamaican/African) Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Sikh, Chinese men. But because they have a relatively laissez-faire attitude, don't see themselves in binary ways, don't have that supremacist impulse, white women don't have to repudiate themselves and convert to this religion or culture they marry into. There is an acceptance of pluralism, a tolerance, there is not a sensibility of dominating and snuffing out the other as there is in Islam, when marriages happen. Thats why you don't see headlines in the media and on the BBC, after reports by Think-Tanks, proclaiming that white women marrying Hindu men are evidence of the mass conversions of women to Hinduism, or when a gentile woman marries a Jewish man it doesn't mean that Judaism is expanding and people are converting en masse, and so on and so on and so on.
Whereas Islam has this impulse to convert women who marry a Muslim, and then make a song and dance and speech about it, to try to show that it is expanding, dominating, ascendant, all because of that imperialistic / prosletysing impulse and self-regard that it has."