No1 : this subject is really interesting, fascinating!!!
No-2 :Some people, here, think they have 'copyright' of God & whatever they interpret that's God's version. Any1 who thinks otherwise is anti god etc etc. My question to them, didn't God creat all of us, irrespective of our belief system and s#&ual orientation.
I hate having an agent (or interpreter) between me & God.
N0-3 : Homosexuality is natural because it existed from even pre civilization age however our forefathers banned/overlooked/kept under carpet because it's against social system.
No-4 : It's all bl@@@dy chemical locha (hormonal secretion)which makes a person attracted to another...just chemicals....nothing else......Lets not take it seriously!!!!
No1 : this subject is really interesting, fascinating!!!
No-2 :Some people, here, think they have 'copyright' of God & whatever they interpret that's God's version. Any1 who thinks otherwise is anti god etc etc. My question to them, didn't God creat all of us, irrespective of our belief system and s#&ual orientation.
I hate having an agent (or interpreter) between me & God.
N0-3 : Homosexuality is natural because it existed from even pre civilization age however our forefathers banned/overlooked/kept under carpet because it's against social system.
No-4 : It's all bl@@@dy chemical locha (hormonal secretion)which makes a person attracted to another...just chemicals....nothing else......Lets not take it seriously!!!!