On an average I'd have around five/six cups a day..and maybe more! but I'm also a healthy eater and walk for exercise like four times a week. So I cannot testify to the green tea alone being the reason I lost weight however I do know it has numerous health benefits. But be warned..if you suffer from low blood pressure like I do you may feel occasional bouts of dizziness due to drinking excess green tea..specially when on a diet. I'm kinda used to it now though so its fine.
On an average I'd have around five/six cups a day..and maybe more! but I'm also a healthy eater and walk for exercise like four times a week. So I cannot testify to the green tea alone being the reason I lost weight however I do know it has numerous health benefits. But be warned..if you suffer from low blood pressure like I do you may feel occasional bouts of dizziness due to drinking excess green tea..specially when on a diet. I'm kinda used to it now though so its fine.