Total population: 907,229 (June 2007 estimate)
Population density: 74/km2
Urban population: 80% of the population live in Doha
Area: 11,437 km2
GDP per capita: US$ 29,400 (2006 estimate)
Ethnic groups: Arab 40%, Pakistani 18%, Indian 18%, Iranian 10%, other 14%
Economic growth7.1% (2006 estimate)
Unemployment: 3.2% (2006 estmate)
Export Partners: Japan 36.9%, South Korea 19.4%, Singapore 8.2% (2005)
Import Partners: France 11.4%, Japan 10.4%, US 10.3%, Germany 8.3%, Saudi Arabia 7.2%, UK 6.9%, Italy 6.5%, South Korea 5.5%, UAE 4.8% (2005)
Main export partner: Japan 36.9% (2005)
Oil Reserves 15,207 million barrels
Principal towns & cities
Currency: Riyal (QAR)
Adulthood: 18
Biggest City: Doha
Colors of national soccer team: White
Driving: On the right
Electricity: 220-240v
Football Association: QFA (Qatar Football Association)
Government: Hereditary Monarchy
Highest Point: Qurayn Abu al Bawl 103 m
International dialing code: +974
Internet country code : .qa
Internet users : 219,000
Military: 18 years of age for voluntary military service - army mostly made up of foreign nationals from Oman Ruling party:
None Stock market: Doha Securities Market (DSM)
Time: GMT+3
Video system: PAL
Wettest months: November, December, February
Hottest month: August
Total population: 907,229 (June 2007 estimate)
Population density: 74/km2
Urban population: 80% of the population live in Doha
Area: 11,437 km2
GDP per capita: US$ 29,400 (2006 estimate)
Ethnic groups: Arab 40%, Pakistani 18%, Indian 18%, Iranian 10%, other 14%
Economic growth7.1% (2006 estimate)
Unemployment: 3.2% (2006 estmate)
Export Partners: Japan 36.9%, South Korea 19.4%, Singapore 8.2% (2005)
Import Partners: France 11.4%, Japan 10.4%, US 10.3%, Germany 8.3%, Saudi Arabia 7.2%, UK 6.9%, Italy 6.5%, South Korea 5.5%, UAE 4.8% (2005)
Main export partner: Japan 36.9% (2005)
Oil Reserves 15,207 million barrels
Principal towns & cities
Currency: Riyal (QAR)
Adulthood: 18
Biggest City: Doha
Colors of national soccer team: White
Driving: On the right
Electricity: 220-240v
Football Association: QFA (Qatar Football Association)
Government: Hereditary Monarchy
Highest Point: Qurayn Abu al Bawl 103 m
International dialing code: +974
Internet country code : .qa
Internet users : 219,000
Military: 18 years of age for voluntary military service - army mostly made up of foreign nationals from Oman Ruling party:
None Stock market: Doha Securities Market (DSM)
Time: GMT+3
Video system: PAL
Wettest months: November, December, February
Hottest month: August