if it was the first time you hear about something, doesn't mean it didn't exist before, unless you think yourself omniscient. if a tree falls in the forest and you're not there to hear it, it still make a sound.
Iraq is a big game destination ever since I could remember. before, during, and after saddam hussein. A cousin of mine drove over a landmine while he was chasing game in iraq, luckily it was a personnel and not a vehicle mine.
You're insinuating that someone I personally know, who just passed away is an insurgent. Shame on you, your ignorance and apathy are so clear. saying rest in peace after your insinuations count for nothing
if it was the first time you hear about something, doesn't mean it didn't exist before, unless you think yourself omniscient. if a tree falls in the forest and you're not there to hear it, it still make a sound.
Iraq is a big game destination ever since I could remember. before, during, and after saddam hussein. A cousin of mine drove over a landmine while he was chasing game in iraq, luckily it was a personnel and not a vehicle mine.
You're insinuating that someone I personally know, who just passed away is an insurgent. Shame on you, your ignorance and apathy are so clear. saying rest in peace after your insinuations count for nothing