FathimaH and Happy Happy--you need to develop thicker skin if you plan to remain sane for the next twelve years. Qatar is going to be critiqued in the media with increased regularity as the WC approaches. Most of it will be unjust, unfair and inaccurate. But when has that ever stopped the press? Qatar asked for the international spotlight and now it gets it. Now it, too, can be spoken of in disdainful generalized terms that are so often employed on QL, such as "the Americans think" or "all of the English", etc. etc. etc. At least when generalizations are made about Qatar they are groups together some 150,000 people who are closely knit by a common religion and language, as opposed to the enormous diversity of the 300 million plus in the US and and 60 million in the UK.

I still don't see why so many people on QL seem so obsessed with how other countries see Qatar and why so many want to believe the world is jealous.

BTW I just saw some of the Fox News stuff. It's rather tame and hardly the focus of the day's coverage or even a big story. If you want to see examples of really harsh stuff look at the commentary from readers on the CNN international site. But then if an American, Indian, English, Pakistani, etc. online forum wanted to find some examples of how ignorant and hateful people can be in Qatar, they can find plenty on QL.