I am astounded at your comments. I don't know what type of society you were brought up in, but to attack someone for raising a valid (probably more valid than any World Cup discussion) point such as Raven did regarding the construction workers is the height of arrogance or ignorance, both being equally inexcusable.

The hypocracy in this country never ceases to dismay - and anyone who can't see past the flowers in the Corniche and the canals in Villagio seriously needs to remove the blinkers and take a long hard loook around them.

The vast majority of us are here because of money. If it becomes economically less attractive to live and work here, then we will all leave and go to the next place that will pay for our varied talents.

Next time you dismiss the plight of construction workers (and, yes, domestic servants) in this country, try thinking of an old saying: there but for the grace of God go I.

And then thank whatever God it is that you believe in that you are not in the same position.