most justice systems around the world today are all messed up. So ok, the decided to let him out early on parole, but based on what? were not the necessary psychological tests etc conducted before his release? The fact that he has re-offended so fast proves the man is still a threat to the society! Hope he will now be put behind bars and off the streets for a long maybe forever! At least he's not a minor anymore and hence will get what he deserves, Inshallah!
most justice systems around the world today are all messed up. So ok, the decided to let him out early on parole, but based on what? were not the necessary psychological tests etc conducted before his release? The fact that he has re-offended so fast proves the man is still a threat to the society! Hope he will now be put behind bars and off the streets for a long maybe forever! At least he's not a minor anymore and hence will get what he deserves, Inshallah!