Abu, as intelligent person, I just look at this issue from BOTH sides. Unfortunately not all employees are honest with their employers. You cannot deny that there are plenty of employees who does "abuse" their employers. They are lazy at work, they make tons of mistakes, they always find the excuse to escape the tasks, they are not responsible, not reliable, etc...I that form my own experience.. trust me, there are plenty of them. All they are looking for is to do less job for more money, nothing else. They don't care about the employer, company, business. They only want not to work and get paid. Now imagine, the employer requires the employee to be productive at work, the employee takes it as an unreasonable accusation, and... changes the company. So the employer who brought him here, who spent money, efforts,and time for his transportation and training, eventually stays with nothing, and is forced to start again the process of hiring which might be long and costly. Is that fair? As I said, thousands of people are looking for ANY chance to get to Qatar. Can you imagine, such person is offered a job, with free transportation to Qatar? this person would agree to work for $100 just to be brought in here. And then what?
I am not saying that the system should remain as it is. As i said, I could never understand why the employee cannot get involved with another job once his contract is over or terminated. I am convinced, in such cases no need any NOC letters. But you have to agree, that the CONTRACT should be followed, regardless. When you conclude some business contract, and then later you realize that probably it was a mistake, what you can do? You cannot just walk away, because "that's not what you expected". Right? You either have to wait till the term of the contract is over or have to pay agreed penalties. This is common business practice, otherwise why two parties sign the contracts, if it can be cancelled any moment by any party? Agreed? Same with the employment contracts. YOU have been offered a job, YOU accepted the offer, YOU have signed the contract, so do me a favor, be responsible for your decision, and follow the agreement, signed by you! Once this agreement is over, you are free to conclude another agreement. But you cannot just walk away any second, because the employer next building offered you 100 riyal more. Am I right or not? And again, if we are talking about “BAD employer”, well, there is a law (and it should work!), which protects rights of the employee. If working hours/holidays/days off are abused by employer, or salary is not paid, or some other violations take place, legal actions should be taken against such employer. But if the employer just simply requets the employee to work with full dedication without any excuses, well, this is the employer’s rights, no matter whether the employee likes it or not.
I don’t know how it should be called, sponsorship or some other name. Name doesn’t matter. The system matters. And system should consider the interests of BOTH parties and ensure safety and satisfaction of both – employee and employer.