hapy, In absence of sponsorship system they will be free to find other jobs..
but they are free to find better job PRIOR to coming to Qatar! what makes them accepting the offers, and then to complain about it? No one is forced to come here. It is OUR choice.
Now look at the system without sponsorship. the employee who is jumping from one employer to another every 3-5 months wouldn't look good either.. There is ALWAYS something better than each of us has in their hands. ALWAYS. If it makes you jumping like a flea from someone to another one who gives you few pennies more, sorry, for me it doesn't look good.. One has to be responsible for his/her decision. Jumping form employer to employer, from boyfriend to boyfriend, from husband to husband, from friend to friend, based on who gives you few extra ryials is prostitution.
If you don't like the offer don't accept it. If the contract is abused, file the complaint. Act like a civilized person. If you accept ANY offer to just to get into Qatar, and once you are here, right away start looking around for few extra pennies, this is YOU are the one who uses your employer, not the other way around.
hapy, In absence of sponsorship system they will be free to find other jobs..
but they are free to find better job PRIOR to coming to Qatar! what makes them accepting the offers, and then to complain about it? No one is forced to come here. It is OUR choice.
Now look at the system without sponsorship. the employee who is jumping from one employer to another every 3-5 months wouldn't look good either.. There is ALWAYS something better than each of us has in their hands. ALWAYS. If it makes you jumping like a flea from someone to another one who gives you few pennies more, sorry, for me it doesn't look good.. One has to be responsible for his/her decision. Jumping form employer to employer, from boyfriend to boyfriend, from husband to husband, from friend to friend, based on who gives you few extra ryials is prostitution.
If you don't like the offer don't accept it. If the contract is abused, file the complaint. Act like a civilized person. If you accept ANY offer to just to get into Qatar, and once you are here, right away start looking around for few extra pennies, this is YOU are the one who uses your employer, not the other way around.